Recent Sale

I am very pleased that today someone actually spent money through my website. Normally I give people my paypal address and they pay into there or it's cash in hand but today felt so great to see an email saying an order had been placed on my website.

I have already go the order ready to be shipped tomorrow and I have already spent the money on new beads. I've decided to go for clear cabochons, this way every design is going to be unique as I can put a picture in it. This is very personal to someone so I am hoping this brings in a few sales.

There is another order I need to get made but I can't seem to find the energy to make it. After going to hobbycraft yesterday and finding they didn't have the wire I wanted or needed in stock I lost hope.
However today a lovely lady offered to send me some of the wire I needed, money has now been transferred  to her and hopefully in a few days I will be able to make the barb wire earrings the customer wants.

I think I may need some practice at barb wire as I've never done it before.

Wish me luck!

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